Agatha Anita Sari

Menempuh pendidikan di Regina Secretarial Academy. Memiliki pengalaman kerja di perusahaan – perusahaan bertaraf nasional diantaranya PT Astra International Tbk – ISUZU Sebagai Sales Training Department Head, HR and GA, Mitsubishi Authorized Dealer  PT Bumen Redja AbadI Marketing, Network/ Outlet Development, Sales Force Development (SFD), CS & CRM Manager. Dan Genaral Affair

Aktif memberikan training dengan berbagai topic  mengenai GA, CS & CREATING CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE diantaranya Service Excellence, Customer Service & Customer Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction measuring tools, Frontliners Service Excellence, CS Standardization, Creating Customer Experience, Customer Loyalty, Effective Customer Relationship Management, Customer Handling, Complain Handling & Problem Solving , Topik Mengenai SALES TEAM diantaranya Salesman Skill, Customer Focus & Selling Skill, Presentation Skill for Sales, Marketing Strategy for Sales person, Sales Strategy for Supervisor, Leadership & Communication Skill for Sales Supervisor, Training for Sales Traine dan juga topic mengenai  GENERAL OFFICE diantaranya Professional Secretary, Management Skill for Secretary and Professional Administration, Time Management for Secretary, Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skill, Professional Public Speaking, Etiquette and Personal Image for Professional, Effective Presentation Skill Dan lain sebagainya.

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